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http://radar.oreilly.com/ is the url of the site I mentioned yesterday that tracks emerging technologies

Stephen Abram’s collection of links for “The 23 Things and Learning 2.0”:


1. Library 2.0 and Beyond: Innovative Technologies and Tomorrow’s User

Book available in Cudahy Library:
Amazon review at  here

2. ALA Library Technology Reports
Full-text available in ProQuest Education Journals:
Library Technology Reports in Loyola online databases

Some interesting issues:

  • Jul/Aug 2006 (42:4) Michael Stephens: “Web 2.0 & Libraries: Best Practices for Social Software”
  • Sep/Oct 2007 (43:5)—Michael Stephens: “Web 2.0 & Libraries, Part 2: Trends and Technologies”
  • Jul/Aug 2007 (43:4)—Marshall Breeding: “Next-Gen Catalogs”

Coming soon

  • July 2008 (44:5) “On the Move with the Mobile Web: Libraries and Mobile Technologies” by Ellyssa Kroski
  • August /September 2008 (44:6) “WorldCat Local at the University of Washington” by Jennifer Ward, Pam Mojfeld, and Steven Shadle, Univ. of Wash. Libraries

3. The Chronicle of Higher Education
Full-text available in Academic Search Premier (Two Month Delay)
April 4, 2008, Section B, “Information Technology”
The Chronicle of Higher Education in Loyola online databases

ETC Goals:

  1. Keep up with emerging technological developments (which may or may not have library applications or relevance, but might someday).
  2. Try out new technologies (hardware or software) (which may or may not have library applications or relevance, but might someday)
  3. Stay abreast of and inform library staff about developments in and applications of social networking, Web 2.0, and so on
  4. Inform library staff about and provide training opportunities related to emerging technologies
  5. Recommend new or revised library services based upon new technologies.

ETC Charge

Overall: To stay abreast of new hardware, software, and devices that could be applicable to use in the Library by staff or patrons; to keep up-to-date on Web 2.0 tools and their possible application by the University Libraries. To host an annual meeting of all staff in which the committee makes a presentation on new tools being used by libraries.

Specific to 2008-09: Implement a tutorial program for staff based on Learning 2.0/2.1 or the “23 things” to begin no later than November 2008. Recommend to the LLT at least one new web 2.0 service that can be adopted or tried by the University Libraries. Host a workshop/presentation for students and faculty on Web 2.0 (spring 2009).

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