October 16-18, 2014 — Loyola University Chicago
“Crossings and Dwellings” is a research conference commemorating:
- The bicentennial of the Restoration of the Society of Jesus (1814-2014), and
- A century of women’s education at Loyola University-Mundelein College (1914-2014).
Conference Information:
- Rationale
- Program
- Registration
- Exhibition (Read Judy Valente’s review in America magazine)
Please direct questions to Professors Stephen Schloesser (sschloesser@luc.edu) or Kyle Roberts (kroberts2@luc.edu), Department of History, Loyola University Chicago

“Map of the Sources of the Columbia River,” by Pierre Jean De Smet, S.J. (1847). Courtesy of Jesuit Archives Central United States, St. Louis.