Month: August 2009

More Information

Goals of the Friends

  • Provide opportunities for meeting persons who share an interest in and enthusiasm for books, libraries, and reading
  • Encourage and attract gifts in the form of bequests, endowments, books, manuscripts, and other appropriate materials
  • Involve individuals in the Chicago area in library programs and activities
  • Foster an understanding of and appreciation for all Loyola University Chicago’s libraries and their special collections
  • Underscore the importance of Loyola’s libraries in fulfilling the University’s mission

Message from the Dean

As Dean of the University Libraries, I am proud to lead the Friends of the Libraries. Your support will help us continue to provide top-quality resources, services, and events for our students, faculty, and the greater Loyola community.

The Friends support our vision and goals through membership and action. We invite you to help us make a difference. Thank you for support and loyalty to our libraries.


Robert Seal
Dean, Loyola University Libraries

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