Join Our Summer Reading Bingo Challenge!

student reading a book

Summer is the perfect time to dive into new books, explore different genres, and discover exciting stories. Loyola University Chicago Libraries is thrilled to announce our Summer Reading Bingo 2024, a fun and engaging way to keep your reading momentum going during the warmer months. From June 1 to August 23, we invite you to participate in our Summer Reading Bingo and enter for a chance to win fantastic prizes!

How to Play:

  1. Read and Match: Between June 1 and August 23, select books that fit the descriptions on our bingo card.
  2. Fill Out the Form: Complete the form with the title, author, and the corresponding bingo square for each book you finish.
  3. Entries and Prizes: Each book you enter earns you one entry into our raffle. Completing a bingo (five squares in a row) gives you two extra entries, and a blackout (completing all squares) awards you five extra entries!


  1. Reading Period: The challenge runs from June 1 to August 23.
  2. Entry Form: Submit the form for each book you read, detailing the title, author, and bingo square.
  3. No Double Dipping: Each book can only count for one square.

Looking for Book Recommendations?

Check out our Libraries blog and Instagram for book recommendations all summer long!

Here are a few book suggestions to get you started:

  1. Debut Novel:
  2. Sunglasses on the Cover:
  3. LGBTQIA+ Memoir:
  4. BIPOC Protagonist:

Get Started Now!

Join the fun and immerse yourself in the joy of reading this summer.  For more information and to fill out the entry form, visit our news page or follow us on Instagram @librariesLUC. Happy reading!

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