Women and Social Movements
Loyola University Libraries recently obtained a wonderful new resource called Women in Social Movements that can be accessed from our Databases by Title list on the main library website. This resource offers teachers highly interactive “modules” around hundreds of different themes. Those themes, such as “Second Wave Feminism,” or “Catholic Feminism,” for example, are then […]
Bibliography of Asian Studies (BAS)
Many faculty members who teach established Asian studies courses, as well as courses on special topics related to Asian studies, will find the Bibliography of Asian Studies resource a necessary addition to Loyola’s collection. From 1941 to 1991 the Bibliography of Asian Studies was widely recognized as the standard bibliographical tool in the field of […]
Mental Measurements Yearbook & Tests in Print
Loyola Libraries now subscribe to the databases , Mental Measurements Yearbook and Tests in Print (we had them as trials last year). Both databases are produced by the Buros Institute at the University of Nebraska. MMY provides users with a comprehensive guide to over 2,000 contemporary testing instruments. TIP is a comprehensive bibliography to all […]
Our 4 Favorite Podcasts (for Music Lovers)
Anywhere you travel in Chicago (even if you’re only traveling to the stacks of the Loyola Libraries), you’re going to see a glut of MP3 players. But what are people plugging into? A recent inquiry at the library produced a number of surprising results for high-quality podcasts across a variety of interests: politics, television, music, […]
JFRC Library Makes New Ties
The John Felice Rome Center Library is reaching out to other cultural and academic institution’s libraries to enrich access to collections and materials which will enhance students’ and faculties’ studies in Rome. Rome is a city rich in history and dedicated to preservation. At present the Rome Library community has access to the Italian Senate […]
We Recommend – Switching Time
Switching Time: A Doctor’s Harrowing Story of Treating a Woman with 17 Personalities by Richard Baer Switching Time: A Doctor’s Harrowing Story of Treating a Woman with 17 Personalities by Richard Baer is a fascinating true story by a therapist who helped a Chicago woman, called Karen, integrate 17 discrete personalities she developed to protect […]