There are 14 scholars who research in this area.
Locations for scholars who do research in this area:
- Paulina Kolata, Postdoctoral Fellow, Lund University | https://www.ace.lu.se/paulina-kolata
- Lisa Kochinski, PhD Candidate (ABD), University of Southern California
- Elisabetta Porcu, Associate Professor, University of Cape Town, South Africa | https://uct.academia.edu/ElisabettaPorcu
- Silke Hasper, Lecturer, PhD student, Heidelberg University | http://www.zegk.uni-heidelberg.de/religionswissenschaft/mitarbeiter/pages/hasper.html
- Marzia Vettorato, PhD Candidate, Sapienza University of Rome | https://phd.uniroma1.it/web/VETTORATO-MARZIA_nP1146871_EN.aspx
- Daigengna Duoer, PhD Student, University of California, Santa Barbara | https://www.daigengnaduoer.com/
- Melissa Anne-Marie Curley, Assistant Professor, Ohio State University
- Aura Di Febo, PhD student, University of Manchester | https://manchester.academia.edu/AuraDiFebo
- Marzia Vettorato, Ph.D. Student, Sapienza University of Rome | https://phd.uniroma1.it/web/VETTORATO-MARZIA_nP1146871_EN.aspx
- Alison Melnick Dyer, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, Bates College
- Michaela Mross, Assistant Professor, Stanford University | https://religiousstudies.stanford.edu/people/michaela-mross
- Aura Di Febo, PhD student, University of Manchester | https://manchester.academia.edu/AuraDiFebo
- Inken Prohl, Professor, Heidelberg University | http://www.zegk.uni-heidelberg.de/religionswissenschaft/mitarbeiter/pages/prohl.html
- Gwendolyn Gillson, Visiting Assistant Professor, Oberlin College | http://gwendolyngillson.com/
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