Polyglot! What’s a Polyglot?

The Loyola Archives and Special Collection has a polyglot bible from 1657 on display in Cudahy Library.

What is a polyglot? A polyglot is a book containing versions of the same text in several languages. The term usually refers to a book containing multiple translations of the Bible.

Come see what is considered the last great Polyglot Bible, which contains nine languages: Hebrew, Greek, Samaritan, Aramaic, Latin, Ethiopic, Syriac, Arabic, and Persian! The volume is located in the display case near the entrance to the Donovan Reading Room in Cudahy Library.

To see and touch any volume of the Rare Book Collection, please visit https://www.luc.edu/archives/index.shtml to schedule an appointment.

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Volume on Display:

The London Polyglot (1657)

Biblia sacra polyglotta, complectentia textus originales, Hebraicum, cum Pentateucho Samaritano, Chaldaicum, Graecum: versionumque antiquarum, Samaritanæ, Graecæ LXXII interp., Chaldaicæ, Syriacæ, Arabicæ, Æthiopicæ, Persicæ, Vulg. Lat., quicquid comparari poterat….

Date: 1653-1657

Editor: Brian Walton

Printer: Thomas Roycroft

Call number: 223 W238h

Collection: St. Ignatius College Library Collection Loyola Archives & Special Collections

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