Reciprocal Borrowing with Northwestern University

Loyola University Libraries are pleased to announce a reciprocal borrowing agreement with Northwestern University.  Robert Seal, Dean of Libraries, requested that such an arrangement be established with Northwestern and with the cooperation of Sarah Pritchard, University Librarian at Northwestern, work on a reciprocal borrowing agreement began.  Ursula Scholz, Head of Access Services, worked with Suzette Radford, Head of […]

Portraiture on the New Book Shelf

Now on the New Book Shelf: Portraiture Currently on the Cudahy New Book Shelf we have five books that engage in some manner with the theme of portraiture. First is Nicholas Nixon’s The Brown Sisters: Thirty-three Years. Beginning in 1975, Nicholas Nixon, married to one of the four Brown sisters, began an annual tradition of […]

Now on the New Book Shelf

The New Books Table has been refreshed! Currently on display are three titles from the new Cultographies series, which provide introductions to films that have attained cult status, delving into their appeal, conception, popular reception, and place in the cultural landscape. Featured are Donnie Darko, This is Spinal Tap, and The Rocky Horror Picture Show. […]

One Book, One Chicago Discussion

The Loyola University Libraries will host a discussion on Raymond Chandler’s The Long Goodbye on Thursday, April 24th at 2:00p.m. at Lewis Library, WTC, 25 East Pearson, Room 713.  The Long Goodbye is the One Book, One Chicago program’s fourteenth featured book.  Janette Kopacz, a Loyola alumna and a Chicago Public Librarian will facilitate the discussion.  […]

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