Meet the Staff: Jane Currie


Title of your position:

Reference Librarian and Bibliographer. As Bibliographer, I work with the Departments of Classical Studies, Philosophy, and Theology as well as the program in Islamic World Studies.

What is your educational background?
I have a B.A. and M.A. in history and a M.S. in Library and Information Science.

How long have you been at Loyola and what do you like best about working here?
I’ve been at Loyola for six months. I like being in an atmosphere where people are asking questions! Librarians, library staff, students, and members of the faculty are engaged in asking challenging questions about what we do, what we could be doing, and how.

What do you find most challenging about your work at Loyola?
I am finding that the diversity of the Loyola community is an asset but also a challenge. The challenging part, for the Libraries at least, is serving undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty members, resident students, distance learners, alumni, and others from so many programs; lots of groups with different needs and interests.

What interests do you have outside of work?
I’m still settling into life in the Chicago area. I like getting out to explore new places.

Where have you traveled?
I’ve traveled in the United States and some in the Scandinavian countries and Britain.

What books have you read recently that you would recommend?
I recommended Miss Alcott’s E-mail for the Libraries’ holiday reading list and would suggest it again for its ingenuity. I am fond of Frederick Buechner’s nonfiction. For me, reading anything of his is like sharing a conversation with an erudite and kindhearted friend.

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