Meet the Staff: Katherine Dunn


Title of your position:
Serials Acquisitions Assistant

What is your educational background?
I have a B.A. in English Literature and Creative Writing from DePaul University.

How long have you been at Loyola and what do you like best about working here?
I worked in the General Counsel’s office at the WTC for a year before transferring here to Cudahy in November 2008. The best part of the job is seeing all of the journals we get. There are some pretty wacky titles; my favorite being Progressive Grocer.

What do you find most challenging about your work at Loyola?
Focusing! It can be difficult when you’re surrounded by so many fun things to read and interesting people to talk to. The investigative work that comes with my job is challenging too, but it’s also pretty fun in a treasure-hunting kind of way.

What interests do you have outside of work?
They are always shifting. Lately, it’s embroidery, roller derby, and fencing lessons for the summer. Some perennial faves include reading, writing, dirty chai lattes, and finding humor in the everyday minutiae of perpetuity.

Where have you traveled?
I have never been out of continental U.S.A., which is a void in my life. I’m getting started on it in June when I visit Vancouver as one of several stops on a road trip through the Pacific Northwest. Next destination: France. Eventually. Hopefully.

What books have you read recently that you would recommend?
I know I’m a bit behind the curve on this one, but I just read Watchmen and I loved it. It is a must-read, particularly if you saw the movie, so that the damage done by the film version can be reversed!

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