Graduate Student Study Spaces

Starting this fall, two rooms in Cudahy Library are dedicated to graduate student use: The Graduate Student Reading Room for silent study in 201 Cudahy Library and the Graduate Student Study Lounge for quiet study in 208 Cudahy Library. Graduate students, please make yourselves comfortable in these rooms – rearrange the furniture to suit your working style. During the Fall Semester, we will collect data on room use and solicit your suggestions. With support from the Graduate School, the library will continue to improve these rooms for your use.

Website http://

3 thoughts on “Graduate Student Study Spaces

  1. This is excellent news. I am sure these study areas will be put to good use by graduate students, who need as much “quiet communal space” within the library as is possible. Thanks again for your efforts.

  2. I’ve been using the rooms and find the leather chairs extremely comfortable, and good for a quick kip after lunch.

    I think I would prefer it if there were a way to dim the lights a bit when one is the only person there. The florescent overheads are really bright, and the room I use has a nice table lamp which gives off a much more natural light suitable for reading.

    How about a couple more table lamps and a switch for the lights? And while we’re wishing, how about a thermostat control, too?

    Could use an ottoman or two as well, as otherwise the black study chairs end up doing duty in that regard . . .

  3. This room is amazing. I use it frequently to escape the zoo that is the IC.

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