Join the Libraries in supporting the Help for Haiti Initiative at Loyola

We’d like to draw your attention to Loyola’s Help for Haiti Initiative, a campaign to support humanitarian efforts in the wake of the devastating earthquakes in Haiti last week. You can visit Loyola’s homepage in the coming days and weeks to learn about events and partnerships that will raise funds for the cause. Additionally, you’ll find for donation boxes at all service desks in the library (and other spots around campus) — every little bit helps, so drop a few dollars in a box if you can!

Another way to help is by donating to the Jesuit Refugee Service, which is already on the ground in Haiti doing good work to help those in need. Go directly to the donation page by clicking here. In the box marked “Purpose,” click on the pull-down menu and select Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund. Then fill in the rest of the information requested.

Website http://
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