USER SURVEY: You Asked. We listened. Now tell us more.

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What do browseable DVDs, database workshops, and the New Books tab in Pegasus have in common? They’re all library improvements suggested by our users! Loyola University Libraries take your opinions very seriously, and we want to know how we can further improve your library experience.

Between March 28th and April 18th, we’re inviting users to take a brief online survey. We read your comments carefully, so here’s your chance to suggest a new service or give us feedback on study space! All participants will be entered into a prize drawing: Grand Prize is $100, 2nd is $50, and 3rd is $25.

Again, the survey is available here.

Website http://

4 thoughts on “USER SURVEY: You Asked. We listened. Now tell us more.

  1. Why doesn’t the library have hours like the Law Library.
    More notice of library time change should be given.

    the overall expeirence of the libary and staff are very good

    thank you

  2. When I go to Cudahy I expect it to be quiet (well, I expect that anywhere in a library, but especially Cudahy). I don’t understand when whispering in libraries went out of fashion. I shouldn’t have to utilize the closed off graduate student lounge or wear headphones to block out noise. And if book shelvers are sick and coughing constantly – stay home!!

  3. When are you going to make it easier for Alumni to use the Library?

    Why can’t loyola give a card like the students so they do not have to go through so many channels to enter the LIbrary.

  4. The blinds in the IC should be controlled more efficiently. When I am in the IC I sometimes find it hard to concentrate because of the blinding light coming from both windows.

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