World Religions Online explores religion and spirituality in an objective manner, from the ceremonies of the first practitioners to the elaborate rituals of today.
This user-friendly online resource features an easy-to-navigate interface, allowing users to browse core articles by religion. Topic Centers focus on the world’s major religions and traditional spiritual practices, such as Judaism and Native American religions, quickly guiding users to important topics, spiritual leaders, information on sacred texts, and holy days and festivals. A perfect starting point for research, these landing pages also feature a timeline and a fact file on each religion, as well as a video gallery, an image gallery, and a calendar of holidays and observances.
Overview essays, biographies, and entries on key topics and terms
Video galleries
Image galleries, including full-color photographs and original maps
Holidays and observances calendar
Search Assist technology
Persistent record links
List of contributors to the database
Dynamic citations in MLA and Chicago Manual of Style formats.
You can access World Religions Online through Database listings.