“Did you miss me?Come and kiss me.Never mind my bruises,Hug me, kiss me, suck my juicesSqueez’d from goblin fruits for you,Goblin pulp and goblin dew.” — Christina Rosetti’s Goblin Market CART-CART Somebody’s abandoned an official-looking, red-red steel cart (not a
Minotaurs is a series of half-images/half-texts that is seen/read as a third via. It is a hybrid of poetry and visual arts created by an artist and a poet. Minotaurs are a rift and also rough suture. They are a
4 visual poems
A former AI researcher in computer-derived writing and professor of philosophy, currently living eight inches above a river. These works are influenced by the background of human-computer interaction, learning from each other and forming new methods of creating imagery in
Après Moi le Déluge
I’m a DJ. Weddings, funerals, mostly. The occasional bat or bar mizvah. The latter being way more fun. Young Jewish girls are not encouraged (are they ever?) to kick up their heels, let down their hair, and, propriety be damned,
FROM In the Antarctic Circle
69°45’S 39°5’E Translation: Put your oar down and come with me. Translation: This is not an open city. Translation: The bar is closed, we’ve all gone home, we’ve got lives. Do you have a life? The keg is in the
Author’s Note: Pi (or 3.14159etc.) is a transcendental number. This suggests, among other things, that no finite sequence of algebraic operations on integers (powers, roots, sums, etc.) can be equal to its value. Consequently, its decimal representation never ends or
Featured Visual Artist Issue #12
ABOUT THE WORKAn early foundation in athletics sparked my interest in the relationship between physical and cognitive mechanics. Through painting I dissect and reconstruct the tenuous balance of structure and elasticity necessary to remain lithe in tension, to retain sensitivity
Citizen or Subject
I make the case for synthesisemphasis in originalsuch as disabled and more thanshaped with whichthe status derivesnot only an elementwhich is a common possessionI supposegood is always prone to endconcerns withinforged reflection I take the distinctionthe
Featured Visual Artist Issue #11
Spanning a number of years exploring a singular thematic vein, my work has generally followed an organic, intuitive progression. Memory as the impetus for each work, functioning as a reductive lens, reduced forms to their essence and eliminated nonessential visual
Before Going on Stage…
*Performance note: As you approach the mic stand, hesitate for a moment, unsure whether to take hold of it or to run away; cradle your stomach & double up in pain as if about to be ill, or bow, or