Having breathed the invisible glass having forfeited my gas mask, last chance before the sea levels everything in its way—killing it with contrast To cough up an excuse, a vow, a word for how eyes are still the vulnerable vowels
Ark Codex е±0
Ark Codex е±0 is a book published by Calamari Press. ARK CODEX е±0 speaks for itself–a self-organizing & self-contained archeological archive of language for the sake of language, an artifact collaged of image & text mined from unspecified or unknown
The Pushing
The epidemic that started because of The Pusher, the one who pushes. It was a night. It was a nighttime-like dream. Imagine you are a cow standing in a field of grass, and you are sleeping. In your sleep you
Don’t Shoot the Messenger
Anne Elizabeth Moore is the author of Unmarketable: Brandalism, Copyfighting, Mocketing, and the Erosion of Integrity (The New Press, 2007), and Hey Kidz, Buy This Book: A Radical Primer on Corporate and Governmental Propaganda and Artistic Activism for Short People
Ivan the Terrible Tells Us How He’s Been
Small. Smaller than the fanned leaves of the Gingko tree. Palm of the hand small. So small, you wouldn’t believe. Terrible. I mean, you could see me, if you tried—if you wanted to—but it’s not like I’m really there or
Notes for a Play: Solitaire
A man sits by the window with a cup of tea and a deck of cards, waiting for a tuna casserole in oven 325 degrees, snow falls outside. First Deal (left to right): ten black, four black, King red, ten
Rishikesh II
The next day, the train sped across the Deccan plateau heading towards Hyderabad. In the compartment next to me were old soldiers in their 80’s, called freedom fighters by this young man who said he was a politician. His friend,
Rishikesh I
In Rishikesh the sky is split with its own light. From the ghat our flames drift down the river at dusk, stuck in eddies and circling pools, snagged in the tree roots that line the banks. The sadhus robes cover
Desire: An Elegy
The biggest problem now that you are dead is that I can talk about you. And it is unseemly to talk about you. But I have been talking. Because once I made a list of all the people I’d ever
The Landscape Cracks…
The landscape cracks and I sink into a nameless current – What can I salvage? – I imagine you swimming in a clear blue lake – If only I could move past this A lecture on biology and plasticity is