Check Out the New Article Database Upgrades.

You may have noticed that some of your favorite article databases look a bit different than they did last spring.  Several of our most popular electronic resources received upgrades throughout the summer making them more efficient and easier to use than ever! 

 JSTOR:  JSTOR’s homepage is now cleaner and sleeker with the new Browse by Discipline option.  You can also now save your searches and export multiple citations.

LexisNexis Academic:  LexisNexis Academic completed a major overhaul of its interface and now features a new color scheme, a single navigation menu at the left of the screen, and the new Easy Search form which allows for quick access to the most commonly used content.

EBSCOhost:  Many of Loyola Libraries’ most used databases, such as Academic Search Premier and CINAHL, come from the company EBSCOhost.  You may notice a cleaner homepage, more intuitive limiters on the left of the search results,  and streamlined detailed records for easy article management.

Also, be sure to check out Wiley Interscience, Ovid, and ScienceDirect’s new features!

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