Summer Book League – Pre-1900 Reads

Looking to fill up some additional bingo squares?  Here are some recommended reads for the “Published before 1900” square.

 PridePrejudice423x630 Pride & Prejudice, Jane Austin.

First published in 1813, this book is one of the bestselling novels over time.  It has been adapted for both film and television.

Kendall, J., & Austen, J. (1942). Pride and prejudice.


Crime and Punishment, Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Originally published in 1866, Crime and Punishment addresses nihilism, guilt, and suffering and is noted to be a world literature masterpiece.

Dostoyevsky, F., Garnett, C., & Simmons, E. J. (1950). Crime and punishment.

 dorian grey The Picture of Dorian Grey, Oscar Wilde

Published in 1890, this book follows the tale of a man that sold his soul for eternal youth and beauty.  This is one of the most popular Wilde titles.

Nevile, J., & Wilde, O. (2000). The picture of Dorian Grey, Oscar Wilde. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

 A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens

This story follows the tale of two men after the French Revolution.  Originally published in 1859, this book has seen many editions and publications due to its wide popularity.

Dickens, C., & Browne, H. K. (1993). A tale of two cities. New York: Knopf.

 tale of two cities
 scarlett letter The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne

This novel, originally published in 1850, tells the tale of conservative Puritan community and a scandal that rocks the town.  Hester Prynne is noted to be one of the first female heroes in American literature.

Hawthorne, N., & Moser, B. (1986). The scarlet letter: A romance. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.





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