Transition from WorldCat Local to Firstsearch/Discovery – July 1

As part of the transition to a new Library Search, library access to WorldCat Local ends as of July 1, 2015. The new Library Search will be available on July 23.

There are several library databases that can be used to perform tasks that you may have done with Worldcat Local.

  • Search for books and movies at Loyola – for the rest of July, you can search for books, movies, and other physical material in the Loyola Libraries by using the Pegasus catalog (the Pegasus search box will remain on the Library homepage).
  • Search for books at other libraries – You can search for books that we don’t have here at Loyola using WorldCat Firstsearch. This version of WorldCat does not search journal articles, like WorldCat Local does, but it does search library catalogs around the world. You can also submit interlibrary loan requests for specific books when you search for them in WorldCat Firstsearch.
  • Search for journal articles – The library subscribes to hundreds of article databases that cover different areas of research. You can choose the best database for your research area from our Research Guides, Database list, E-Journal list or use Academic Search Complete, which is a general article database that covers all disciplines.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

One thought on “Transition from WorldCat Local to Firstsearch/Discovery – July 1

  1. It is inconvenient that there is not a seamless transition from one to the other and that the new library search system will not be available until more than 3 weeks after Worldcat local is gone.

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