The hex rains down in vials tagged with its antidote: once you sip, the cure is in your hands.

Therapy taught you that much, the common parcel of your affliction and its chemical-chatter prescription.

A breakdown of youishness blends into the mix.

In the lab, ball-and-stick diagrams help the puppy recoup its puppyness and the world its worldliness as someone crusades against erosion and mixed messages.

It is most likely you.

As for us, we apply lotion beachside, nix summer’s plan to fizz out.

Life’s good and so’s the sunny.

We watch a twilit horizon for flip of fish tail, try not to notice the glint of her human half, the mudslide at the end of the zephyr.

Becca Klaver is a founding editor of the feminist poetry press Switchback Books and a PhD student in Literatures in English at Rutgers University. She is the author of the chapbook Inside a Red Corvette: A 90s Mix Tape (greying ghost press, 2009), and her first full-length collection, LA Liminal, will be published by Kore Press in 2010.

The Other Half
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